
Important Information about Breakfast and After School Club from September - Booking forms

Please don't forget that places for Breakfast Club and After School Club for September need to be booked via the Google Forms.  If you have not already done this, please could you complete this as soon as possible.  This will allow us to ensure we have enough space to accommodate everyone whilst staying within the DfE Guidelines to help limit the spread of COVID-19.  The links to the forms are below.  Once the forms close you will be notified if you have a place and can then make payment on Parent Pay.   Week beginning Monday Sept 7th - form closes Fri 28th August   Week beginning Monday Sept 14th - form closes Fri 4th Sept  Week beginning Monday Sept 21st - form closes Fri 11th Sept  Week beginning Monday Sept 28th - form closes Fri 18th Sept

We hope to return to "normal" booking via Parent Pay once we get to October. 
