'You live a new life for every language you speak. If you only know one language, you only live once.’ (Czech proverb)
In the Riviera Education Trust, we believe that learning a modern foreign language helps to foster pupils’ curiosity and deepen their understanding of the world. We believe the study of languages supports pupils’ understanding of similarities and differences between cultures and seeks to equip them to be active and engaged global citizens. The teaching of languages seeks to provide a positive, enthusiastic attitude to language learning within a secure and supportive environment and to provide the foundation for future language learning. Teaching enables pupils to express their ideas and thoughts in another language and to understand and respond to its speakers, both in speech and in writing.
The curriculum is designed around these key strands:
Implementation - what does French learning look like at Shiphay Learning Academy?
At Shiphay Learning Academy, all children have the opportunity to develop a love and enthusiasm for language learning. This begins in the Nursery where the children have links with a nursery in France and are encouraged to sing songs and greetings. As children move through the school, language learning becomes more detailed, and subjects are introduced to give children a thorough knowledge of basic words and phrases as well as an understanding of the grammar and phonetics. Languages are not confined to French lessons and evidence of this can be seen throughout the school day. For example, greetings in assembly, during registration, warm ups in PE, dates in English and French. We strive to give children a cultural understanding of France and French speaking countries and her customs.
The language curriculum at Shiphay has been designed to build upon the children’s skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing as they progress through KS2. From Year 3 and 4, with a speaking and listening focus, the children are introduced to key words and phrases about personal identification and feelings. They will be able to recognise and copy written words and phrases. In Year 5, the children will be able to write in simple sentences, will look at various grammatical features and phonemes. With links to Ecole St, Joseph in Quimper, Brittany, the Year 6 pupils have the opportunity to put their language learning into practice and exchange letters with a penfriend. This uses all of the vocabulary and techniques that have been taught since Year 3. Shiphay also has links with the Head of Modern Foreign Languages at Churston Ferrers Grammar School who runs workshops for the children in Years 5 and 6. The aims are to consolidate the language learnt at Shiphay through games, quizzes and songs. The children are given an array of interactive strategies to help them learn new expressions and customs.