The Litology reading prompts aim to support parents with reading strategies to support children from birth to Year 6. They include questions, activities and comprehension ideas which feed back into the reading strategies used in schools. These reading strategies can be used in many ways: reading, watching a film, listening to a story, travelling, shopping, and while on walks with questioning, allowing children to develop different answers using various strategies. In fact, they are much more than reading strategies, they are about literacy skills for life.
The Litology reading prompts From Birth to Year 6 have many simple but effective activities which develop children's comprehension skills through language and questioning. Once school age, the strategies in the reading prompts feed into the reading comprehension strategies used in school up to the end of Year 6.
The incisive questioning supports children's knowledge of books and life in general and helps prepare pupils to build up the strategies they will need for secondary school. The strategies develop in detail as a child grows, and eventually, by Year 6, they will be ready to access texts in KS3 with confidence.