
Just for Fun Activities

Miss Chubb has organised a variety of healthy activities that you can dip in and out of as well as your Virtual Sports Day Challenges. What will you choose to complete? Maybe you will try all of them.. have fun! 


Warm Up Challenge 

Can you create your own? 

Stretches and movements for 30 seconds. 


How many times can you bounce the ball up and down in 30 seconds? 

LST/Y2 - two hands 

MST/UST - one hand 


Place out 5 bottles/loo rolls/objects 5 meters or big steps away and roll a ball at them. You get 1 point for every object you knock over. How many points can you get in 30 seconds? 


Place 5 items out in a line 1 metre/1 large step apart. How many times can you dribble back and forth in 30 seconds? 

Catching and Throwing 

How many catches can you do with a partner at home in 30 seconds? (Overarm or underarm - up to you!) 


Place 5 items out in a line 1 metre/1 large step apart. How many times can you run up and jump over them in 30 seconds?

Sock Ball Throw

Have a ball of socks in your hand and throw them as far as you can. Measure what your biggest throw is from where you were stood. Let us know how far you can throw! 

Long Jump

Place out a take off board (ruler or piece of paper), run up to it and jump as far as you can landing on two feet. Measure from the board to the back of your heels. Let us know how far you can jump! 

High Jump

Stand by a wall, stretch up and mark where the end of your fingers reach. Then hold a piece of chalk in your hand and jump as high as you can and mark the wall. Measure the distance between the two lines. What’s your biggest jump?

Sack Race 

Set up a starter marker and an end marker. Use a bag for life or pillow case to complete the sack race to the end marker. You get one point for each time you reach the end. How many points can you get in 30 seconds? 

Egg and Spoon Race

Place 5 items out in a line 1 metre/1 large step apart. How many times can you carry your egg and spoon in and out of the cones in 30 seconds? 

Tennis Uppies 

Use a ball and a racquet or a book and a ball of socks and bounce the ball up and down. How many bounces can you achieve in 30 seconds? 


How many chest passes can you do with a partner or against a wall in 30 seconds? 


Create your own dance using your favourite song. Please share your creation with us!

Running and Hopping 

How long can you run on the spot without stopping for? 

How many hops can you do on one leg in 30 seconds? 

Speed Bounce 

Lie a towel down on the floor and count how many times you can jump sideways over it in 30 seconds. 


While staying in the spot, how many times can you skip with a skipping rope in 30 seconds? 

