The tasks set for home learning allow children to practise and consolidate skills they have learnt in school, but also give them a valuable opportunity to share their learning with you. In Year 5, Home Learning will be Reading and Maths based activities. Information on this can be found within our weekly SeeSaw update.
Daily Reading
According to research, pupils who read at least 35 minutes a day with a 90% comprehension rate on Accelerated Reader quizzes see the greatest gains. Therefore, pupils should have at least 35 minutes set aside for reading during each day. Although pupils have the opportunity to read in school each day, they should also be reading and discussing their reading for a minimum of 20 minutes a day at home. Pupils can quiz on books they have read by logging in to Accelerated Reader:
Daily Maths
We advise the ‘little and often’ approach to practising mental maths skills, for example, practising number bonds on a car journey or reciting multiplication tables during a walk. The number facts set must be learnt by heart and with immediate recall, rather than allowing the child the opportunity to work the answer out in their head.
The following website are fantastic resources to support children to develop their mental maths skills.