
Grammar and Spelling Bug

Grammar and Spelling Bug supports the delivery of the grammar and spelling requirements of the Primary English National Curriculum. Built to find the fun in learning grammar, punctuation and spelling, Grammar and Spelling Bug is bursting with online practice games and video tutorials that help children to master essential skills. Pupils will travel through the ages, from Aztec to Victorian times, completing exciting practice games – and learning key skills at every step without even knowing it!    


Grammar and Spelling Bug works because it: 

  • uses lively games and videos to inspire children to understand and apply their new grammar and spelling skills successfully;
  • gives instant pupil feedback, which encourages children to keep trying to get tasks right;
  • secures mastery, as children are motivated to practise again and again with hundreds of engaging and varied practice games;
  • prepares pupils thoroughly for the objectives of the curriculum;


Grammar and Spelling Bug is based on the Pearson Primary English Ladder, which is researched by Professor Debra Myhill of the University of Exeter. 


To access Grammar and Spelling games allocated to your child's Bug Club Account by their class teacher, simply click on the link below. 


Bug Club
